Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Book c0v3r design

Author: Jason Blac

The hierarchy of text is well traditional with the title being dominated followed by a weak clause of the author’s name.
The font used is somewhat suitable because it’s playful, yet strong as it name is also contradicting.
The book cover is completely in black and white; hence the text is clear and easy to read. It is also not jumbled up with any

images and is even in speech bubbles, which well define the text.

The image used portrays the meaning of the book quiet well. It is also contradicting like the title. The comical missile turrets achieve this contradiction.

The image is engaging because it’s playful. A child or teenager would pick up this book.

The text and image are quiet balance in the layout, as suggested by the near equal size of each.
The image and text work well together because they represent same idea of contradiction. They both are illustrated in a comical way as well.
The ordering of text and image is perfect because it gives importance of both text and image as they are both trying to communicate the same idea.

Author: Stacey Shackford

The Book cover is quiet plain. There is no author on the book cover and only half a signature. The text used for the title is dominating and suits the title, as a King should always dominate where used. The text is large, bold and easy to read.

There is no image used on the cover. A better alternative might be to have a crowned burger of some sort or something on those lines. This book cover is not really engaging; the colours used don’t really help as well.

The text is working to hard to support this book cover. Hence it does not work.


Author: Zoe Heller

Designer: Barbara de Wilde

The negative like book cover is quiet unusual. It the blend of grey, black and white colours make the typography illegible. Making it difficult to read and cipher. The typography itself does not help to stand out, it is too small overall. The text however does act like text as you would see it in a negative.

The image itself is quiet interesting because its a negative of a piece of paper. A photo, which a negative produces gives a story and in most cases gives "everything you need to know" if taken at the right time. Hence the image does relate to the title.

The image itself is dominating the whole cover, and hence the text does not carry much value. The text needs to be more eligible for the cover to be successful.

Charlie Dang

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